Every Branch

God might not see my trials the same way I do. I see them as undesirable, challenging things to be avoided whenever possible. But it’s possible that God sees them as a necessary part of the process of conforming me to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). It’s entirely probable that only intense pressure will ever shift me enough to fit into that mold. I’m certain there are times when a complete amputation is called for. The part He cuts off might be precious to me, but He knows that it absolutely must go if the work is ever to be finished.

The thing is, He prunes every plant that bears fruit (John 15:2). We might not be wholly in agreement about the necessity of that pruning, thinking, surely it won’t hurt anything if that particular shoot is allowed to grow. But He’s doing something immeasurably greater than we can imagine (Ephesians 3:20). We have in mind a nice clematis trained to grow casually on a trellis. His work depends on patience and a steady hand to yield something as precisely exquisite as a topiary.

If I truly want the end result, I’m going to have to submit to the work in progress. My “help” isn’t really helpful if I’m constantly interfering, complaining, or trying to put back what He’s already removed. Too often I’m like a rebellious child; always He is a patient and loving Father. He cares how I turn out. He is passionately committed to my well-being. So much so that He is unwilling to leave me to go my own way or to give in to my immature demands. 

Solomon’s advice to us is sound – Don’t despise the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights (Proverbs 3:11-12). He loves us. If He allows a trial to come our way, it might not feel good, but we can be assured that it is for our good. So let the pruned branches be tossed into the fire. Let the rearranged parts stay in their new position. God is treating us like His beloved children!